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Dintero Backoffice

One place to view all your payments, payouts, and reports, making running your business simpler than ever before!

Knowledge base


All your payouts in one place

We gather all payouts and categorize them by the different payment methods your customers have used to pay.
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Transaction fees

View your transaction fees per payout, and summarized for each and every month.
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Dintero reports

We use the report from the payment provider to create a more detailed "Dintero report" that you can use to do reconciliation.
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Summary by month

To make it easier for you and your accountant to do reconsiliation, we've summarized all payouts and fees from all payment types, and made a summary by calendar month.
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Adding your own filters

You can easily filter by payment methods or by date range by clicking the "add filter" button.
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Downloading payout reports

Both the source file and the Dintero report can be downloaded in several formats, and all reports can be automatically forwarded to one email recipient.
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Transaction statuses

A status of "authorized" means that the order has been accepted. The money is currently just a reserved amount in the end customer's bank account. If the payment method is Walley (invoice or installments), the "authorized" status means that the invoice is not yet created, but can be created up to 60 days from the date of the order.

In order for you to get a payout for this order, you need to capture the order. If you cancel the order, the money will immediately be available to the end customer.
A status of "cancelled" means that an order that previously was authorized, was cancelled before the money ever left the end customer's account. When an order is cancelled, you will not have to pay the transaction fee, and the funds are immediately available to the end customer.

A cancelled order cannot be captured later on. In the case where you cancelled an order by mistake, the end customer has to place a new order.
This means that the order is fulfilled/completed by you as the merchant, that the money has left the bank account of your end customer, and that you will receive your payout for this order on your next settlement.

NB: On orders through Walley (invoice or installments), "captured" means that an invoice has been created and sent to the end customer. You'll get a payout for the order regardless of whether or not the end customer pays the invoice or their installments.
Partially captured
This means that the order is fulfilled/completed by you as the merchant, that the money has left the bank account of your end customer, but only part of the authorized amount has been captured. You will receive your payout for this order on your next settlement.

You may still capture the remaining money on the amount that was authorized for a while after the order was made.
This status means that an order that previously had the status "captured" or "partially captured", and has now been paid back to the end customer. A refund typically takes 1-3 business days. When you make a refund, you as the merchant will still be charged for the transaction fee.
Partially refunded
This status means that an order that previously had the status "captured" or "partially captured", and parts of the captured amount has now been paid back to the end customer. A refund typically takes 1-3 business days. When you make a refund, you as the merchant will still be charged for the transaction fee.
When a transaction has the status "failed", it means that there was a completed, yet unsuccessful, attempt made by the end customer to complete the transaction.

Reasons for a failed transaction is typically due to technical issues. It could be an idea to look at our status page for information about known issues.
When a transaction has the status "declined", it means that there was a completed, yet unsuccessful, attempt made by the end customer to complete the transaction.

Reasons for a declined transaction could be things like insufficient funds or expired credit cards.
When your end customer pays through Walley (invoice and installments), there will be some cases where Walley must perform a manual credit check. This typically takes between 1-24 hours. When Walley has performed the credit check, the order status will change to either "cancelled" or "authorized".

How-to guides

Choose your
payment methods
contactless card icon
Set up Vipps
settlement reports
vipps illustrative icon
Install Dintero Checkout for your webshop
connect icon
Give user access
profile icon
Capture, cancel,
or refund payments
switch icon
Send payment links
send to phone
Set language
language bubbles icon
UK flag